Native Blend - Soil & Plant Conditioner | Earthlife

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Earthlife Native Blend: The Essence of Australian Flora

Discover the secret to a flourishing native garden with Earthlife Native Blend, your trusted partner in nurturing Australia’s unique flora. This 100% natural plant food is specially formulated to cater to the diverse needs of Australian native plants, ensuring they thrive.

What Makes Native Blend Your Go-To Choice?

Earthlife Native Blend stands out with its unique composition, tailored for the thriving growth of native species. It contains:

  • Plant-available silica and minerals for strong structural growth.
  • A rich array of trace elements for vibrant flowering and foliage.
  • An abundance of organic matter enriches the soil.
  • A community of garden-friendly microbes to support plant health.
  • It’s contaminant-free, with no manures, blood and bone, or synthetic fertilisers, making it safe for Proteaceae and all native plants.

Where and When to Use Native Blend

Native Blend is ideal for:

  • Proteaceale (Grevillea & Banksia):  Every 3 months for the first 12 months then 1-2 times per year.
  • All Other Natives: Every 3-4 Months
  • New and existing native gardens, providing a solid foundation for growth.
  • Pot plants, enhance the potting mix for healthier roots and plants.
  • Use it during planting, transplanting, or repotting to give your plants the best start.

Recommended Application Rates

  • General Conditioning: 300-500gm/m² (3-5 handfuls)
  • Most Planting Situations: 100-200gm/m² (1-2 handfuls) in the planting hole and 200-300gm around the plant.
  • Problem Soils or Areas: 500-800gm/m² minimum (5-8 handfuls)
  • Pots: 1 tablespoon/200mm pot diameter

Typical Specifications of Earthlife Native Blend

  • Nitrogen: 0.6%
  • Phosphate: 4.2%
  • Potassium: 1.2%
  • Calcium: 10.0%
  • Magnesium: 3.1%
  • Silica: 33.0%
  • Sulphate: 0.7%
  • Iron: 2.6%
  • Organic Matter: 30.0%
  • Plus over 50 other essential micro-nutrients.

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